The aliens of this film, we learn, have the power to turn everyone on sexually, although they apparently use this ability sparingly. Their eventual sex scene gives Davis some great comic relief (“You’re an alien, and I’m from the Valley”), and it’s carried off with small yet crucial special effects that make the whole fling feel otherworldly.

After a small adjustment period, they become fast friends.ĭavis and Goldblum, who were married at the time Earth Girls Are Easy was shot, practically ooze chemistry. She investigates but knocks her head on their ship, and the three save her from drowning.

After she kicks him out, three furry aliens (Goldbum, Carrey, and Wayans) that have been monitoring her - with an interest Earth Girls Are Easy never pretends is anything other than sexual - suddenly crash-land into her pool. Her character, Valerie, is in a relationship with a perpetually unfaithful boyfriend, Ted Gallagher (Charles Rocket), a doctor who can’t stop trying to sleep with nurses. And then this alien comes along, and suddenly she's willing to leave the planet with him.” That's what Geena's character is going through. That’s Brown’s idea, as she told Salon in 2012: “With "Earth Girls," the idea in my head was always "The Wizard of Oz." Dorothy is in this place of longing, and she doesn't know what it is. On screen, Davis is a little bit like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz - except, in this case, three very odd men wind up in her strange land.
The movie follows her lead, offering up a Valley Girl movie that’s a little weirder than the rest. Brown, who also co-wrote the script and appears in the film, was known for musical comedy tracks that played with popular ‘80s Valley Girl stereotypes, celebrating herself in a self-aware and bratty way (other tracks featured in the movie include “I Like ‘Em Big and Stupid” and "'Cause I'm a Blonde"). Throughout Earth Girls Are Easy, everyone seems a little shocked that they’re on set, making a movie based on a parody song of the same title (from Julie Brown's 1984 EP Goddess in Progress). Geena Davis has the earnest lightness of a lead that audiences would follow through the most ridiculous plots, Goldblum provides the kind of self-assured swagger that still steals scenes in blockbusters, and Carrey and Wayans both deliver great physical comedy while looking like heartthrobs. Indeed, it’s easy to see why so many actors from Earth Girls Are Easy became huge stars in the next decade. Carrey and Wayans would end up meeting again in two years for the sketch comedy show In Living Color, and it’s easy to see why they decided to reunite.